math max
for math
Returns the maximum of a list of values, or of columns in a table.
> math max {flags}
Input/output types:
input | output |
list<any> | any |
list<duration> | duration |
list<filesize> | filesize |
list<number> | number |
range | number |
record | record |
table | record |
Find the maximum of a list of numbers
> [-50 100 25] | math max
Find the maxima of the columns of a table
> [{a: 1 b: 3} {a: 2 b: -1}] | math max
│ a │ 2 │
│ b │ 3 │
Find the maximum of a list of dates
> [2022-02-02 2022-12-30 2012-12-12] | math max
Fri, 30 Dec 2022 00:00:00 +0000 (2 years ago)