Command | Description |
polars | Operate with data in a dataframe format. |
polars agg-groups | Creates an agg_groups expression. |
polars all-false | Returns true if all values are false. |
polars all-true | Returns true if all values are true. |
polars append | Appends a new dataframe. |
polars arg-max | Return index for max value in series. |
polars arg-min | Return index for min value in series. |
polars arg-sort | Returns indexes for a sorted series. |
polars arg-true | Returns indexes where values are true. |
polars arg-unique | Returns indexes for unique values. |
polars as-date | Converts string to date. |
polars as-datetime | Converts string to datetime. |
polars cache | Caches operations in a new LazyFrame. |
polars cast | Cast a column to a different dtype. |
polars columns | Show dataframe columns. |
polars concat | Concatenate two or more dataframes. |
polars contains | Checks if a pattern is contained in a string. |
polars count | Returns the number of non-null values in the column. |
polars count-null | Counts null values. |
polars cumulative | Cumulative calculation for a column or series. |
polars decimal | Converts a string column into a decimal column |
polars drop | Creates a new dataframe by dropping the selected columns. |
polars drop-duplicates | Drops duplicate values in dataframe. |
polars drop-nulls | Drops null values in dataframe. |
polars dummies | Creates a new dataframe with dummy variables. |
polars expr-not | Creates a not expression. |
polars filter-with | Filters dataframe using a mask or expression as reference. |
polars first | Show only the first number of rows or create a first expression |
polars get | Creates dataframe with the selected columns. |
polars get-day | Gets day from date. |
polars get-hour | Gets hour from date. |
polars get-minute | Gets minute from date. |
polars get-month | Gets month from date. |
polars get-nanosecond | Gets nanosecond from date. |
polars get-ordinal | Gets ordinal from date. |
polars get-second | Gets second from date. |
polars get-week | Gets week from date. |
polars get-weekday | Gets weekday from date. |
polars get-year | Gets year from date. |
polars implode | Aggregates values into a list. |
polars integer | Converts a string column into a integer column |
polars into-df | Converts a list, table or record into a dataframe. |
polars into-nu | Converts a dataframe or an expression into nushell value for access and exploration. |
polars is-duplicated | Creates mask indicating duplicated values. |
polars is-not-null | Creates mask where value is not null. |
polars is-null | Creates mask where value is null. |
polars is-unique | Creates mask indicating unique values. |
polars last | Creates new dataframe with tail rows or creates a last expression. |
polars len | Return the number of rows in the context. This is similar to COUNT(*) in SQL. |
polars lowercase | Lowercase the strings in the column. |
polars max | Creates a max expression or aggregates columns to their max value. |
polars mean | Creates a mean expression for an aggregation or aggregates columns to their mean value. |
polars min | Creates a min expression or aggregates columns to their min value. |
polars n-unique | Counts unique values. |
polars not | Inverts boolean mask. |
polars open | Opens CSV, JSON, NDJSON/JSON lines, arrow, avro, or parquet file to create dataframe. A lazy dataframe will be created by default, if supported. |
polars pivot | Pivot a DataFrame from wide to long format. |
polars profile | Profile a lazy dataframe. |
polars query | Query dataframe using SQL. Note: The dataframe is always named 'df' in your query's from clause. |
polars rename | Rename a dataframe column. |
polars replace | Replace the leftmost (sub)string by a regex pattern. |
polars replace-all | Replace all (sub)strings by a regex pattern. |
polars reverse | Reverses the LazyFrame |
polars rolling | Rolling calculation for a series. |
polars sample | Create sample dataframe. |
polars schema | Show schema for a dataframe. |
polars set | Sets value where given mask is true. |
polars set-with-idx | Sets value in the given index. |
polars shape | Shows column and row size for a dataframe. |
polars shift | Shifts the values by a given period. |
polars slice | Creates new dataframe from a slice of rows. |
polars std | Creates a std expression for an aggregation of std value from columns in a dataframe. |
polars store-get | Gets a Dataframe or other object from the plugin cache. |
polars store-ls | Lists stored polars objects. |
polars store-rm | Removes a stored Dataframe or other object from the plugin cache. |
polars str-join | Concatenates strings within a column or dataframes |
polars str-lengths | Get lengths of all strings. |
polars str-slice | Slices the string from the start position until the selected length. |
polars strftime | Formats date based on string rule. |
polars sum | Creates a sum expression for an aggregation or aggregates columns to their sum value. |
polars summary | For a dataframe, produces descriptive statistics (summary statistics) for its numeric columns. |
polars take | Creates new dataframe using the given indices. |
polars unique | Returns unique values from a dataframe. |
polars unnest | Decompose struct columns into separate columns for each of their fields. The new columns will be inserted into the dataframe at the location of the struct column. |
polars unpivot | Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format. |
polars uppercase | Uppercase the strings in the column. |
polars value-counts | Returns a dataframe with the counts for unique values in series. |
polars var | Create a var expression for an aggregation. |
polars with-column | Adds a series to the dataframe. |