all | Test if every element of the input fulfills a predicate expression.
any | Tests if any element of the input fulfills a predicate expression.
append | Append any number of rows to a table.
chunk-by | Divides a sequence into sub-sequences based on a closure.
chunks | Divide a list, table or binary input into chunks of `chunk_size`.
collect | Collect a stream into a value.
columns | Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' names.
compact | Creates a table with non-empty rows.
default | Sets a default value if a row's column is missing or null.
drop | Remove items/rows from the end of the input list/table. Counterpart of `skip`. Opposite of `last`.
drop column | Remove N columns at the right-hand end of the input table. To remove columns by name, use `reject`.
drop nth | Drop the selected rows.
each | Run a closure on each row of the input list, creating a new list with the results.
each while | Run a closure on each row of the input list until a null is found, then create a new list with the results.
enumerate | Enumerate the elements in a stream.
every | Show (or skip) every n-th row, starting from the first one.
filter | Filter values based on a predicate closure.
find | Searches terms in the input.
first | Return only the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `last`. Opposite of `skip`.
flatten | Flatten the table.
get | Extract data using a cell path.
group-by | Splits a list or table into groups, and returns a record containing those groups.
headers | Use the first row of the table as column names.
insert | Insert a new column, using an expression or closure to create each row's values.
interleave | Read multiple streams in parallel and combine them into one stream.
into value | Infer Nushell datatype for each cell.
is-empty | Check for empty values.
is-not-empty | Check for non-empty values.
items | Given a record, iterate on each pair of column name and associated value.
join | Join two tables.
last | Return only the last several rows of the input. Counterpart of `first`. Opposite of `drop`.
length | Count the number of items in an input list, rows in a table, or bytes in binary data.
lines | Converts input to lines.
merge | Merge the input with a record or table, overwriting values in matching columns.
merge deep | Merge the input with a record or table, recursively merging values in matching columns.
move | Moves columns relative to other columns or make them the first/last columns. Flags are mutually exclusive.
par-each | Run a closure on each row of the input list in parallel, creating a new list with the results.
prepend | Prepend any number of rows to a table.
query | Show all the query commands
query json | execute json query on json file (open --raw <file> | query json 'query string')
query xml | execute xpath query on xml
reduce | Aggregate a list (starting from the left) to a single value using an accumulator closure.
reject | Remove the given columns or rows from the table. Opposite of `select`.
rename | Creates a new table with columns renamed.
reverse | Reverses the input list or table.
roll | Rolling commands for tables.
roll down | Roll table rows down.
roll left | Roll record or table columns left.
roll right | Roll table columns right.
roll up | Roll table rows up.
rotate | Rotates a table or record clockwise (default) or counter-clockwise (use --ccw flag).
select | Select only these columns or rows from the input. Opposite of `reject`.
shuffle | Shuffle rows randomly.
skip | Skip the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `drop`. Opposite of `first`.
skip until | Skip elements of the input until a predicate is true.
skip while | Skip elements of the input while a predicate is true.
slice | Return only the selected rows.
sort | Sort in increasing order.
sort-by | Sort by the given cell path or closure.
split list | Split a list into multiple lists using a separator.
take | Take only the first n elements of a list, or the first n bytes of a binary value.
take until | Take elements of the input until a predicate is true.
take while | Take elements of the input while a predicate is true.
tee | Copy a stream to another command in parallel.
transpose | Transposes the table contents so rows become columns and columns become rows.
uniq | Return the distinct values in the input.
uniq-by | Return the distinct values in the input by the given column(s).
update | Update an existing column to have a new value.
update cells | Update the table cells.
upsert | Update an existing column to have a new value, or insert a new column.
values | Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' values.
where | Filter values based on a row condition.
window | Creates a sliding window of `window_size` that slide by n rows/elements across input.
wrap | Wrap the value into a column.
zip | Combine a stream with the input.