char | Output special characters (e.g., 'newline').
decode | Decode bytes into a string.
detect columns | Attempt to automatically split text into multiple columns.
encode | Encode a string into bytes.
format | Various commands for formatting data.
format date | Format a given date using a format string.
format duration | Outputs duration with a specified unit of time.
format filesize | Converts a column of filesizes to some specified format.
format pattern | Format columns into a string using a simple pattern.
job | Various commands for working with background jobs.
nu-check | Validate and parse input content.
nu-highlight | Syntax highlight the input string.
parse | Parse columns from string data using a simple pattern or a supplied regular expression.
print | Print the given values to stdout.
split | Split contents across desired subcommand (like row, column) via the separator.
split chars | Split a string into a list of characters.
split column | Split a string into multiple columns using a separator.
split row | Split a string into multiple rows using a separator.
split words | Split a string's words into separate rows.
str | Various commands for working with string data.
str camel-case | Convert a string to camelCase.
str capitalize | Capitalize first letter of text.
str contains | Checks if string input contains a substring.
str distance | Compare two strings and return the edit distance/Levenshtein distance.
str downcase | Make text lowercase.
str ends-with | Check if an input ends with a string.
str expand | Generates all possible combinations defined in brace expansion syntax.
str index-of | Returns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match.
str join | Concatenate multiple strings into a single string, with an optional separator between each.
str kebab-case | Convert a string to kebab-case.
str length | Output the length of any strings in the pipeline.
str pascal-case | Convert a string to PascalCase.
str replace | Find and replace text.
str reverse | Reverse every string in the pipeline.
str screaming-snake-case | Convert a string to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.
str snake-case | Convert a string to snake_case.
str starts-with | Check if an input starts with a string.
str stats | Gather word count statistics on the text.
str substring | Get part of a string. Note that the first character of a string is index 0.
str title-case | Convert a string to Title Case.
str trim | Trim whitespace or specific character.
str upcase | Make text uppercase.
url decode | Converts a percent-encoded web safe string to a string.
url encode | Converts a string to a percent encoded web safe string.