from for formats

Parse a string or binary data into structured data.


> from {flags}

Input/output types:



You must use one of the following subcommands. Using this command as-is will only produce this help message.


from csvBuiltinParse text as .csv and create table.
from emlBuiltin,PluginParse text as .eml and create record.
from icsBuiltin,PluginParse text as .ics and create table.
from iniBuiltin,PluginParse text as .ini and create table.
from jsonBuiltinConvert from json to structured data.
from msgpackBuiltinConvert MessagePack data into Nu values.
from msgpackzBuiltinConvert brotli-compressed MessagePack data into Nu values.
from nuonBuiltinConvert from nuon to structured data.
from odsBuiltinParse OpenDocument Spreadsheet(.ods) data and create table.
from ssvBuiltinParse text as space-separated values and create a table. The default minimum number of spaces counted as a separator is 2.
from tomlBuiltinParse text as .toml and create record.
from tsvBuiltinParse text as .tsv and create table.
from urlBuiltinParse url-encoded string as a record.
from vcfBuiltin,PluginParse text as .vcf and create table.
from xlsxBuiltinParse binary Excel(.xlsx) data and create table.
from xmlBuiltinParse text as .xml and create record.
from yamlBuiltinParse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.
from ymlBuiltinParse text as .yaml/.yml and create table.