bits or
for bits
Performs bitwise or for ints or binary values.
> bits or {flags} (target)
--endian, -e {string}
: byte encode endian, available options: native(default), little, big
: right-hand side of the operation
Input/output types:
input | output |
binary | binary |
int | int |
list<binary> | list<binary> |
list<int> | list<int> |
Apply bits or to two numbers
> 2 | bits or 6
Apply bitwise or to a list of numbers
> [8 3 2] | bits or 2
│ 0 │ 10 │
│ 1 │ 3 │
│ 2 │ 2 │
Apply bitwise or to binary data
> 0x[88 cc] | bits or 0x[42 32]
Length: 2 (0x2) bytes | printable whitespace ascii_other non_ascii
00000000: ca fe ××
Apply bitwise or to binary data of varying lengths with specified endianness
> 0x[c0 ff ee] | bits or 0x[ff] --endian big
Length: 3 (0x3) bytes | printable whitespace ascii_other non_ascii
00000000: c0 ff ff ×××
Apply bitwise or to input binary data smaller than the operor
> 0x[ff] | bits or 0x[12 34 56] --endian little
Length: 3 (0x3) bytes | printable whitespace ascii_other non_ascii
00000000: ff 34 56 ×4V