Nushell cheat sheet

Data types

    > "12" | into int

converts string to integer

    > date now | date to-timezone "Europe/London"

converts present date to provided time zone

    > {'name': 'nu', 'stars': 5, 'language': 'Python'} | upsert language 'Rust'

updates a record's language and if none is specified inserts provided value

    > [one two three] | to yaml

converts list of strings to yaml

    > [[framework, language]; [Django, Python] [Laravel, PHP]]

prints the table

    > [{name: 'Robert' age: 34 position: 'Designer'}
     {name: 'Margaret' age: 30 position: 'Software Developer'}
     {name: 'Natalie' age: 50 position: 'Accountant'}
    ] | select name position

selects two columns from the table and prints their values


    > let name = "Alice"
    > $"greetings, ($name)!"

prints greetings, Alice!

    > let string_list = "one,two,three" | split row ","

 0 one
 1 two
 2 three

splits the string with specified delimiter and saves the list to string_list variable

    "Hello, world!" | str contains "o, w"

checks if a string contains a substring and returns boolean

    let str_list = [zero one two]
    $str_list | str join ','

joins the list of strings using provided delimiter

    > 'Hello World!' | str substring 4..8

created a slice from a given string with start (4) and end (8) indices

    > 'Nushell 0.80' | parse '{shell} {version}'

 # │  shell  │ version │
 0 Nushell 0.80

parses the string to columns

    > "acronym,long\nAPL,A Programming Language" | from csv

parses comma separated values (csv)

    > $'(ansi purple_bold)This text is a bold purple!(ansi reset)'

ansi command colors the text (always end with ansi reset to reset color to default)


    > [foo bar baz] | insert 1 'beeze'

 0 foo
 1 beeze
 2 bar
 3 baz

inserts beeze value at the 2nd index of the list

    > [1, 2, 3, 4] | update 1 10

updates 2nd value to 10

    > let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    > $numbers | prepend 0

adds value at the beginning of the list

    > let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    > $numbers | append 6

adds value at the end of the list

    > let flowers = [cammomile marigold rose forget-me-not]
    > let flowers = ($flowers | first 2)
    > $flowers

creates slice of first two values from flowers list

    > let planets = [Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune]
    > $planets | each { |it| $"($it) is a planet of the solar system" }

iterates over a list; it is current list value

    > $planets | enumerate | each { |it| $"($it.index + 1) - ($it.item)" }

iterates over a list and provides index and value in it

    > let scores = [3 8 4]
    > $"total = ($scores | reduce { |it, acc| $acc + $it })"

reduces the list to a single value, reduce gives access to accumulator that is applied to each element in the list

    > $"total = ($scores | reduce --fold 1 { |it, acc| $acc * $it })"

initial value for accumulator value can be set with --fold

    > let planets = [Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune]
    > $planets.2
    > Earth

gives access to the 3rd item in the list

    > let planets = [Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune]
    > $planets | any {|it| $it | str starts-with "E" }
    > true

checks if any string in the list starts with E

    > let cond = {|x| $x < 0 }; [-1 -2 9 1] | take while $cond
 0 -1
 1 -2

creates slice of items that satisfy provided condition


    > ls | sort-by size

sorting table by size of files

    > ls | sort-by size | first 5

sorting table by size of files and show first 5 entries

    > let $a = [[first_column second_column third_column]; [foo bar snooze]]
    > let $b = [[first_column second_column third_column]; [hex seeze feeze]]
    > $a | append $b

 # │ first_column │ second_column │ third_column │
 0 foo bar snooze
 1 hex seeze feeze

concatenate two tables with same columns

    > let teams_scores = [[team score plays]; ['Boston Celtics' 311 3] ['Golden State Warriors', 245 2]]
    > $teams_scores | drop column

 # │         team          │ score │
 0 Boston Celtics   311
 1 Golden State Warriors   245

remove the last column of a table

Files & Filesystem

    > start file.txt

opens a text file with the default text editor

    > 'lorem ipsum ' | save file.txt

saves a string to text file

    > 'dolor sit amet' | save --append file.txt

appends a string to the end of file.txt

    > { a: 1, b: 2 } | save file.json

saves a record to file.json

    > glob **/*.{rs,toml} --depth 2

searches for .rs and .toml files recursively up to 2 folders deep

    > watch . --glob=**/*.rs {|| cargo test }

runs cargo test whenever a Rust file changes

Custom Commands

    def greet [name: string] {
        $"hello ($name­)"

custom command with parameter type set to string

    def greet [name = "nushell"] {
        $"hello ($name­)"

custom command with default parameter set to nushell

    def greet [
        name: string
        --age: int
    ] {
        [$name $age]

    > greet world --age 10

passing named parameter by defining flag for custom commands

    def greet [
        name: string
        --age (-a): int
    ] {
        if $twice {
            [$name $age $name $age]
        } else {
            [$name $age]
    > greet -a 10 --twice hello

using flag as a switch with a shorthand flag (-a) for the age

    def greet [ string] {
        print "­hello all:"
        for $n in $name {
            print $n

    > greet earth mars jupiter venus

custom command which takes any number of positional arguments using rest params


    > let val = 42
    > print $val

an immutable variable cannot change its value after declaration

    > let val = 42
    > do { let val = 101;  $val }
    > $val

shadowing variable (declaring variable with the same name in a different scope)

    > mut val = 42
    > $val += 27
    > $val

declaring a mutable variable with mut key word

    > mut x = 0
    > [1 2 3] | each { $x += 1 }

closures and nested defs cannot capture mutable variables from their enviro­nment. This expression results in error.

    > const file = 'path/­to/­'
    > source $file

a constant variable is immutable value which is fully evaluated at parse-time

    > let files = (ls)
    > $­me?.0?

using question mark operator to return null instead of error if provided path is incorrect

    > let big_files = (ls | where size > 10kb)
    > $big_files

assigning the result of a pipeline to a variable


    > module greetings {
        export def hello [name: string] {
            $"hello ($name­)!"

        export def hi [where: string] {
            $"hi ($where)!­"

    > use greetings hello
    > hello "­wor­ld"

using inline module

    # greeti­
    export-env {
        $env.M­YNAME = "­Arthur, King of the Briton­s"
    export def hello [] {
        $"hello ($env.M­YN­AME­)"

    > use greeti­
    > $env.M­YNAME
    Arthur, King of the Britons
    > greetings hello
    hello Arthur, King of the Britons!

importing module from file and using its enviro­nment in current scope

    # greeti­
    export def hello [name: string] {
        $"hello ($name­)!"

    export def hi [where: string] {
        $"hi ($where)!­"

    export def main [] {
        "­gre­etings and salutations!"

    > use greeti­
    > greetings
    greetings and saluta­tions!
    > greetings hello world
    hello world!

using main command in module