Command Reference

If you're new to Nushell, the quick tour can show you the most important commands. You don't need to know them all!

To see all commands from inside Nushell, run help commands.

aliascore Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name. default
allfilters Test if every element of the input fulfills a predicate expression. default
ansiplatform Output ANSI codes to change color and style of text. default
ansi gradientplatform Add a color gradient (using ANSI color codes) to the given string. default
ansi linkplatform Add a link (using OSC 8 escape sequence) to the given string. default
ansi stripplatform Strip ANSI escape sequences from a string. default
anyfilters Tests if any element of the input fulfills a predicate expression. default
appendfilters Append any number of rows to a table. default
astdebug Print the abstract syntax tree (ast) for a pipeline. default
bitsbits Various commands for working with bits. default
bits andbits Performs bitwise and for ints or binary values. default
bits notbits Performs logical negation on each bit. default
bits orbits Performs bitwise or for ints or binary values. default
bits rolbits Bitwise rotate left for ints or binary values. default
bits rorbits Bitwise rotate right for ints or binary values. default
bits shlbits Bitwise shift left for ints or binary values. default
bits shrbits Bitwise shift right for ints or binary values. default
bits xorbits Performs bitwise xor for ints or binary values. default
breakcore Break a loop. default
bytesbytes Various commands for working with byte data. default
bytes addbytes Add specified bytes to the input. default
bytes atbytes Get bytes defined by a range. default
bytes buildbytes Create bytes from the arguments. default
bytes collectbytes Concatenate multiple binary into a single binary, with an optional separator between each. default
bytes ends-withbytes Check if bytes ends with a pattern. default
bytes index-ofbytes Returns start index of first occurrence of pattern in bytes, or -1 if no match. default
bytes lengthbytes Output the length of any bytes in the pipeline. default
bytes removebytes Remove bytes. default
bytes replacebytes Find and replace binary. default
bytes reversebytes Reverse the bytes in the pipeline. default
bytes starts-withbytes Check if bytes starts with a pattern. default
calgenerators Display a calendar. default
cdfilesystem Change directory. default
charstrings Output special characters (e.g., 'newline'). default
clearplatform Clear the terminal. default
collectfilters Collect a stream into a value and then run a closure with the collected value as input. default
columnsfilters Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' names. default
commandlinecore View the current command line input buffer. default
commandline editcore Modify the current command line input buffer. default
commandline get-cursorcore Get the current cursor position. default
commandline set-cursorcore Set the current cursor position. default
compactfilters Creates a table with non-empty rows. default
completesystem Capture the outputs and exit code from an external piped in command in a nushell table. default
configenv Edit nushell configuration files. default
config envenv Edit nu environment configurations. default
config nuenv Edit nu configurations. default
config resetenv Reset nushell environment configurations to default, and saves old config files in the config location as and default
constcore Create a parse-time constant. default
continuecore Continue a loop from the next iteration. default
cpfilesystem Copy files using uutils/coreutils cp. default
datedate Date-related commands. default
date formatremoved Removed command: use `format date` instead. default
date humanizedate Print a 'humanized' format for the date, relative to now. default
date list-timezonedate List supported time zones. default
date nowdate Get the current date. default
date to-recorddate Convert the date into a record. default
date to-tabledate Convert the date into a structured table. default
date to-timezonedate Convert a date to a given time zone. default
debugdebug Debug print the value(s) piped in. default
debug infodebug View process memory info. default
debug profiledebug Profile pipeline elements in a closure. default
decodestrings Decode bytes into a string. default
decode base64hash Base64 decode a value. default
decode hexformats Hex decode a value. default
defcore Define a custom command. default
defaultfilters Sets a default row's column if missing. default
describecore Describe the type and structure of the value(s) piped in. default
detect columnsstrings Attempt to automatically split text into multiple columns. default
dexitshells Leaves a previously entered working directory.
dfrdataframe Operate with data in a dataframe format. dataframe
dfr agglazyframe Performs a series of aggregations from a group-by. dataframe
dfr agg-groupsexpression Creates an agg_groups expression. dataframe
dfr all-falsedataframe Returns true if all values are false. dataframe
dfr all-truedataframe Returns true if all values are true. dataframe
dfr appenddataframe Appends a new dataframe. dataframe
dfr arg-maxdataframe Return index for max value in series. dataframe
dfr arg-mindataframe Return index for min value in series. dataframe
dfr arg-sortdataframe Returns indexes for a sorted series. dataframe
dfr arg-truedataframe Returns indexes where values are true. dataframe
dfr arg-uniquedataframe Returns indexes for unique values. dataframe
dfr arg-whereexpression Creates an expression that returns the arguments where expression is true. dataframe
dfr asexpression Creates an alias expression. dataframe
dfr as-datedataframe Converts string to date. dataframe
dfr as-datetimedataframe Converts string to datetime. dataframe
dfr cachelazyframe Caches operations in a new LazyFrame. dataframe
dfr castdataframe Cast a column to a different dtype. dataframe
dfr colexpression Creates a named column expression. dataframe
dfr collectlazyframe Collect lazy dataframe into eager dataframe. dataframe
dfr columnsdataframe Show dataframe columns. dataframe
dfr concat-strexpression Creates a concat string expression. dataframe
dfr concatenatedataframe Concatenates strings with other array. dataframe
dfr containsdataframe Checks if a pattern is contained in a string. dataframe
dfr countexpression Creates a count expression. dataframe
dfr count-nulldataframe Counts null values. dataframe
dfr cumulativedataframe Cumulative calculation for a series. dataframe
dfr datepartexpression Creates an expression for capturing the specified datepart in a column. dataframe
dfr dropdataframe Creates a new dataframe by dropping the selected columns. dataframe
dfr drop-duplicatesdataframe Drops duplicate values in dataframe. dataframe
dfr drop-nullsdataframe Drops null values in dataframe. dataframe
dfr dtypesdataframe Show dataframe data types. dataframe
dfr dummiesdataframe Creates a new dataframe with dummy variables. dataframe
dfr explodelazyframe Explodes a dataframe or creates a explode expression. dataframe
dfr expr-notexpression Creates a not expression. dataframe
dfr fetchlazyframe Collects the lazyframe to the selected rows. dataframe
dfr fill-nanlazyframe Replaces NaN values with the given expression. dataframe
dfr fill-nulllazyframe Replaces NULL values with the given expression. dataframe
dfr filterlazyframe Filter dataframe based in expression. dataframe
dfr filter-withdataframe or lazyframe Filters dataframe using a mask or expression as reference. dataframe
dfr firstdataframe Show only the first number of rows or create a first expression dataframe
dfr flattenlazyframe An alias for dfr explode. dataframe
dfr getdataframe Creates dataframe with the selected columns. dataframe
dfr get-daydataframe Gets day from date. dataframe
dfr get-hourdataframe Gets hour from date. dataframe
dfr get-minutedataframe Gets minute from date. dataframe
dfr get-monthdataframe Gets month from date. dataframe
dfr get-nanoseconddataframe Gets nanosecond from date. dataframe
dfr get-ordinaldataframe Gets ordinal from date. dataframe
dfr get-seconddataframe Gets second from date. dataframe
dfr get-weekdataframe Gets week from date. dataframe
dfr get-weekdaydataframe Gets weekday from date. dataframe
dfr get-yeardataframe Gets year from date. dataframe
dfr group-bylazyframe Creates a group-by object that can be used for other aggregations. dataframe
dfr implodeexpression Aggregates a group to a Series. dataframe
dfr into-dfdataframe Converts a list, table or record into a dataframe. dataframe
dfr into-lazylazyframe Converts a dataframe into a lazy dataframe. dataframe
dfr into-nudataframe Converts a dataframe or an expression into into nushell value for access and exploration. dataframe
dfr is-duplicateddataframe Creates mask indicating duplicated values. dataframe
dfr is-inexpression Creates an is-in expression. dataframe
dfr is-not-nulldataframe Creates mask where value is not null. dataframe
dfr is-nulldataframe Creates mask where value is null. dataframe
dfr is-uniquedataframe Creates mask indicating unique values. dataframe
dfr joinlazyframe Joins a lazy frame with other lazy frame. dataframe
dfr lastdataframe Creates new dataframe with tail rows or creates a last expression. dataframe
dfr litexpression Creates a literal expression. dataframe
dfr lowercasedataframe Lowercase the strings in the column. dataframe
dfr lsdataframe Lists stored dataframes. dataframe
dfr maxexpression Creates a max expression or aggregates columns to their max value. dataframe
dfr meanexpression Creates a mean expression for an aggregation or aggregates columns to their mean value. dataframe
dfr medianlazyframe Aggregates columns to their median value dataframe
dfr meltdataframe Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format. dataframe
dfr minexpression Creates a min expression or aggregates columns to their min value. dataframe
dfr n-uniquedataframe Counts unique values. dataframe
dfr notdataframe Inverts boolean mask. dataframe
dfr opendataframe Opens CSV, JSON, JSON lines, arrow, avro, or parquet file to create dataframe. dataframe
dfr otherwiseexpression Completes a when expression. dataframe
dfr quantilelazyframe Aggregates the columns to the selected quantile. dataframe
dfr querydataframe Query dataframe using SQL. Note: The dataframe is always named 'df' in your query's from clause. dataframe
dfr renamedataframe or lazyframe Rename a dataframe column. dataframe
dfr replacedataframe Replace the leftmost (sub)string by a regex pattern. dataframe
dfr replace-alldataframe Replace all (sub)strings by a regex pattern. dataframe
dfr reverselazyframe Reverses the LazyFrame dataframe
dfr rollingdataframe Rolling calculation for a series. dataframe
dfr sampledataframe Create sample dataframe. dataframe
dfr schemadataframe Show schema for a dataframe. dataframe
dfr selectlazyframe Selects columns from lazyframe. dataframe
dfr setdataframe Sets value where given mask is true. dataframe
dfr set-with-idxdataframe Sets value in the given index. dataframe
dfr shapedataframe Shows column and row size for a dataframe. dataframe
dfr shiftdataframe or lazyframe Shifts the values by a given period. dataframe
dfr slicedataframe Creates new dataframe from a slice of rows. dataframe
dfr sort-bylazyframe Sorts a lazy dataframe based on expression(s). dataframe
dfr stdexpression Creates a std expression for an aggregation of std value from columns in a dataframe. dataframe
dfr str-lengthsdataframe Get lengths of all strings. dataframe
dfr str-slicedataframe Slices the string from the start position until the selected length. dataframe
dfr strftimedataframe Formats date based on string rule. dataframe
dfr sumexpression Creates a sum expression for an aggregation or aggregates columns to their sum value. dataframe
dfr summarydataframe For a dataframe, produces descriptive statistics (summary statistics) for its numeric columns. dataframe
dfr takedataframe Creates new dataframe using the given indices. dataframe
dfr to-arrowdataframe Saves dataframe to arrow file. dataframe
dfr to-avrodataframe Saves dataframe to avro file. dataframe
dfr to-csvdataframe Saves dataframe to CSV file. dataframe
dfr to-jsonldataframe Saves dataframe to a JSON lines file. dataframe
dfr to-parquetdataframe Saves dataframe to parquet file. dataframe
dfr uniquedataframe or lazyframe Returns unique values from a dataframe. dataframe
dfr uppercasedataframe Uppercase the strings in the column. dataframe
dfr value-countsdataframe Returns a dataframe with the counts for unique values in series. dataframe
dfr varexpression Create a var expression for an aggregation. dataframe
dfr whenexpression Creates and modifies a when expression. dataframe
dfr with-columndataframe or lazyframe Adds a series to the dataframe. dataframe
docore Run a closure, providing it with the pipeline input. default
dropfilters Remove items/rows from the end of the input list/table. Counterpart of `skip`. Opposite of `last`. default
drop columnfilters Remove N columns at the right-hand end of the input table. To remove columns by name, use `reject`. default
drop nthfilters Drop the selected rows. default
dufilesystem Find disk usage sizes of specified items. default
eachfilters Run a closure on each row of the input list, creating a new list with the results. default
each whilefilters Run a block on each row of the input list until a null is found, then create a new list with the results. default
echocore Returns its arguments, ignoring the piped-in value. default
encodestrings Encode a string into bytes. default
encode base64hash Encode a string or binary value using Base64. default
encode hexformats Encode a binary value using hex. default
entershells Enters a new shell at the given path.
enumeratefilters Enumerate the elements in a stream. default
error makecore Create an error. default
everyfilters Show (or skip) every n-th row, starting from the first one. default
execsystem Execute a command, replacing or exiting the current process, depending on platform. default
exitshells Exit Nu. default
explaindebug Explain closure contents. default
exploreviewers Explore acts as a table pager, just like `less` does for text. default
exportcore Export definitions or environment variables from a module. default
export aliascore Alias a command (with optional flags) to a new name and export it from a module. default
export constcore Use parse-time constant from a module and export them from this module. default
export defcore Define a custom command and export it from a module. default
export externcore Define an extern and export it from a module. default
export modulecore Export a custom module from a module. default
export usecore Use definitions from a module and export them from this module. default
export-envenv Run a block and preserve its environment in a current scope. default
externcore Define a signature for an external command. default
fillconversions Fill and Align. default
filterfilters Filter values based on a predicate closure. default
findfilters Searches terms in the input. default
firstfilters Return only the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `last`. Opposite of `skip`. default
flattenfilters Flatten the table. default
fmtconversions Format a number. default
forcore Loop over a range. default
formatstrings Various commands for formatting data. default
format datedate Format a given date using a format string. default
format durationstrings Outputs duration with a specified unit of time. default
format filesizestrings Converts a column of filesizes to some specified format. default
format patternstrings Format columns into a string using a simple pattern. default
fromformats Parse a string or binary data into structured data. default
from csvformats Parse text as .csv and create table. default
from emlformats Parse text as .eml and create record. default
from icsformats Parse text as .ics and create table. default
from iniformats Parse text as .ini and create table. default
from jsonformats Convert from json to structured data. default
from msgpackformats Convert MessagePack data into Nu values. default
from msgpackzformats Convert brotli-compressed MessagePack data into Nu values. default
from nuonformats Convert from nuon to structured data. default
from odsformats Parse OpenDocument Spreadsheet(.ods) data and create table. default
from ssvformats Parse text as space-separated values and create a table. The default minimum number of spaces counted as a separator is 2. default
from tomlformats Parse text as .toml and create record. default
from tsvformats Parse text as .tsv and create table. default
from urlformats Parse url-encoded string as a record. default
from vcfformats Parse text as .vcf and create table. default
from xlsxformats Parse binary Excel(.xlsx) data and create table. default
from xmlformats Parse text as .xml and create record. default
from yamlformats Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table. default
from ymlformats Parse text as .yaml/.yml and create table. default
gshells Switch to a given shell, or list all shells if no given shell number.
generategenerators Generate a list of values by successively invoking a closure. default
getfilters Extract data using a cell path. default
globfilesystem Creates a list of files and/or folders based on the glob pattern provided. default
gridviewers Renders the output to a textual terminal grid. default
groupfilters Groups input into groups of `group_size`. default
group-byfilters Splits a list or table into groups, and returns a record containing those groups. default
gstatprompt Get the git status of a repo default
hashhash Apply hash function. default
hash md5hash Hash a value using the md5 hash algorithm. default
hash sha256hash Hash a value using the sha256 hash algorithm. default
headersfilters Use the first row of the table as column names. default
helpcore Display help information about different parts of Nushell. default
help aliasescore Show help on nushell aliases. default
help commandscore Show help on nushell commands. default
help escapescore Show help on nushell string escapes. default
help externscore Show help on nushell externs. default
help modulescore Show help on nushell modules. default
help operatorscore Show help on nushell operators. default
hidecore Hide definitions in the current scope. default
hide-envcore Hide environment variables in the current scope. default
histogramchart Creates a new table with a histogram based on the column name passed in. default
historyhistory Get the command history. default
history sessionhistory Get the command history session. default
httpnetwork Various commands for working with http methods. default
http deletenetwork Delete the specified resource. default
http getnetwork Fetch the contents from a URL. default
http headnetwork Get the headers from a URL. default
http optionsnetwork Requests permitted communication options for a given URL. default
http patchnetwork Patch a body to a URL. default
http postnetwork Post a body to a URL. default
http putnetwork Put a body to a URL. default
ifcore Conditionally run a block. default
ignorecore Ignore the output of the previous command in the pipeline. default
incdefault Increment a value or version. Optionally use the column of a table. default
inputplatform Get input from the user. default
input listplatform Interactive list selection. default
input listenplatform Listen for user interface event. default
insertfilters Insert a new column, using an expression or closure to create each row's values. default
inspectdebug Inspect pipeline results while running a pipeline. default
interleavefilters Read multiple streams in parallel and combine them into one stream. default
intoconversions Commands to convert data from one type to another. default
into binaryconversions Convert value to a binary primitive. default
into bitsconversions Convert value to a binary primitive. default
into boolconversions Convert value to boolean. default
into cell-pathconversions Convert value to a cell-path. default
into datetimeconversions Convert text or timestamp into a datetime. default
into durationconversions Convert value to duration. default
into filesizeconversions Convert value to filesize. default
into floatconversions Convert data into floating point number. default
into globconversions Convert value to glob. default
into intconversions Convert value to integer. default
into recordconversions Convert value to record. default
into sqliteconversions Convert table into a SQLite database. default
into stringconversions Convert value to string. default
into valuefilters Infer nushell datatype for each cell. default
is-admincore Check if nushell is running with administrator or root privileges. default
is-emptyfilters Check for empty values. default
is-not-emptyfilters Check for non-empty values. default
is-terminalplatform Check if stdin, stdout, or stderr is a terminal. default
itemsfilters Given a record, iterate on each pair of column name and associated value. default
joinfilters Join two tables. default
keybindingsplatform Keybindings related commands. default
keybindings defaultplatform List default keybindings. default
keybindings listplatform List available options that can be used to create keybindings. default
keybindings listenplatform Get input from the user. default
killplatform Kill a process using the process id. default
lastfilters Return only the last several rows of the input. Counterpart of `first`. Opposite of `drop`. default
lazy makecore Create a lazy record. default
lengthfilters Count the number of items in an input list or rows in a table. default
letcore Create a variable and give it a value. default
let-envremoved `let-env FOO = ...` has been removed, use `$env.FOO = ...` instead. default
linesfilters Converts input to lines. default
load-envfilesystem Loads an environment update from a record. default
loopcore Run a block in a loop. default
lsfilesystem List the filenames, sizes, and modification times of items in a directory. default
matchcore Conditionally run a block on a matched value. default
mathmath Use mathematical functions as aggregate functions on a list of numbers or tables. default
math absmath Returns the absolute value of a number. default
math arccosmath Returns the arccosine of the number. default
math arccoshmath Returns the inverse of the hyperbolic cosine function. default
math arcsinmath Returns the arcsine of the number. default
math arcsinhmath Returns the inverse of the hyperbolic sine function. default
math arctanmath Returns the arctangent of the number. default
math arctanhmath Returns the inverse of the hyperbolic tangent function. default
math avgmath Returns the average of a list of numbers. default
math ceilmath Returns the ceil of a number (smallest integer greater than or equal to that number). default
math cosmath Returns the cosine of the number. default
math coshmath Returns the hyperbolic cosine of the number. default
math expmath Returns e raised to the power of x. default
math floormath Returns the floor of a number (largest integer less than or equal to that number). default
math lnmath Returns the natural logarithm. Base: (math e). default
math logmath Returns the logarithm for an arbitrary base. default
math maxmath Returns the maximum of a list of values, or of columns in a table. default
math medianmath Computes the median of a list of numbers. default
math minmath Finds the minimum within a list of values or tables. default
math modemath Returns the most frequent element(s) from a list of numbers or tables. default
math productmath Returns the product of a list of numbers or the products of each column of a table. default
math roundmath Returns the input number rounded to the specified precision. default
math sinmath Returns the sine of the number. default
math sinhmath Returns the hyperbolic sine of the number. default
math sqrtmath Returns the square root of the input number. default
math stddevmath Returns the standard deviation of a list of numbers, or of each column in a table. default
math summath Returns the sum of a list of numbers or of each column in a table. default
math tanmath Returns the tangent of the number. default
math tanhmath Returns the hyperbolic tangent of the number. default
math variancemath Returns the variance of a list of numbers or of each column in a table. default
mergefilters Merge the input with a record or table, overwriting values in matching columns. default
metadatadebug Get the metadata for items in the stream. default
metadata setdebug Set the metadata for items in the stream. default
mkdirfilesystem Create directories, with intermediary directories if required using uutils/coreutils mkdir. default
mktempfilesystem Create temporary files or directories using uutils/coreutils mktemp. default
modulecore Define a custom module. default
movefilters Move columns before or after other columns. default
mutcore Create a mutable variable and give it a value. default
mvfilesystem Move files or directories using uutils/coreutils mv. default
nshells Switch to the next shell.
nu-checkstrings Validate and parse input content. default
nu-highlightstrings Syntax highlight the input string. default
openfilesystem Load a file into a cell, converting to table if possible (avoid by appending '--raw'). default
overlaycore Commands for manipulating overlays. default
overlay hidecore Hide an active overlay. default
overlay listcore List all active overlays. default
overlay newcore Create an empty overlay. default
overlay usecore Use definitions from a module as an overlay. default
pshells Switch to the previous shell.
panicexperimental Executes a rust panic, useful only for testing. default
par-eachfilters Run a closure on each row of the input list in parallel, creating a new list with the results. default
parsestrings Parse columns from string data using a simple pattern. default
pathpath Explore and manipulate paths. default
path basenamepath Get the final component of a path. default
path dirnamepath Get the parent directory of a path. default
path existspath Check whether a path exists. default
path expandpath Try to expand a path to its absolute form. default
path joinpath Join a structured path or a list of path parts. default
path parsepath Convert a path into structured data. default
path relative-topath Express a path as relative to another path. default
path splitpath Split a path into a list based on the system's path separator. default
path typepath Get the type of the object a path refers to (e.g., file, dir, symlink). default
pluginplugin Commands for managing plugins. default
plugin addplugin Add a plugin to the plugin registry file. default
plugin listplugin List installed plugins. default
plugin rmplugin Remove a plugin from the plugin registry file. default
plugin stopplugin Stop an installed plugin if it was running. default
plugin useplugin Load a plugin from the plugin registry file into scope. default
portnetwork Get a free port from system. default
prependfilters Prepend any number of rows to a table. default
printstrings Print the given values to stdout. default
pssystem View information about system processes. default
pwddefault Return the current working directory default
queryfilters Show all the query commands default
query dbdatabase Query a database using SQL. default
query jsonfilters execute json query on json file (open --raw <file> | query json 'query string') default
query webnetwork execute selector query on html/web default
query xmlfilters execute xpath query on xml default
randomrandom Generate a random value. default
random boolrandom Generate a random boolean value. default
random charsrandom Generate random chars. default
random dicerandom Generate a random dice roll. default
random floatrandom Generate a random float within a range [min..max]. default
random intrandom Generate a random integer [min..max]. default
random uuidrandom Generate a random uuid4 string. default
rangefilters Return only the selected rows. default
reducefilters Aggregate a list to a single value using an accumulator closure. default
registerplugin Register a plugin. default
registry querysystem Query the Windows registry. default
rejectfilters Remove the given columns or rows from the table. Opposite of `select`. default
renamefilters Creates a new table with columns renamed. default
returncore Return early from a function. default
reversefilters Reverses the input list or table. default
rmfilesystem Remove files and directories. default
rollfilters Rolling commands for tables. default
roll downfilters Roll table rows down. default
roll leftfilters Roll record or table columns left. default
roll rightfilters Roll table columns right. default
roll upfilters Roll table rows up. default
rotatefilters Rotates a table or record clockwise (default) or counter-clockwise (use --ccw flag). default
run-externalsystem Runs external command. default
savefilesystem Save a file. default
schemadatabase Show the schema of a SQLite database. default
scopecore Commands for getting info about what is in scope. default
scope aliasescore Output info on the aliases in the current scope. default
scope commandscore Output info on the commands in the current scope. default
scope engine-statscore Output stats on the engine in the current state. default
scope externscore Output info on the known externals in the current scope. default
scope modulescore Output info on the modules in the current scope. default
scope variablescore Output info on the variables in the current scope. default
selectfilters Select only these columns or rows from the input. Opposite of `reject`. default
seqgenerators Output sequences of numbers. default
seq chargenerators Print a sequence of ASCII characters. default
seq dategenerators Print sequences of dates. default
shellsshells Lists all open shells.
shufflefilters Shuffle rows randomly. default
skipfilters Skip the first several rows of the input. Counterpart of `drop`. Opposite of `first`. default
skip untilfilters Skip elements of the input until a predicate is true. default
skip whilefilters Skip elements of the input while a predicate is true. default
sleepplatform Delay for a specified amount of time. default
sortfilters Sort in increasing order. default
sort-byfilters Sort by the given columns, in increasing order. default
sourcecore Runs a script file in the current context. default
source-envcore Source the environment from a source file into the current environment. default
splitstrings Split contents across desired subcommand (like row, column) via the separator. default
split charsstrings Split a string into a list of characters. default
split columnstrings Split a string into multiple columns using a separator. default
split listfilters Split a list into multiple lists using a separator. default
split rowstrings Split a string into multiple rows using a separator. default
split wordsstrings Split a string's words into separate rows. default
split-byfilters Split a record into groups. default
startfilesystem Open a folder, file or website in the default application or viewer. default
stordatabase Various commands for working with the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor createdatabase Create a table in the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor deletedatabase Delete a table or specified rows in the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor exportdatabase Export the in-memory sqlite database to a sqlite database file. default
stor importdatabase Import a sqlite database file into the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor insertdatabase Insert information into a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor opendatabase Opens the in-memory sqlite database. default
stor resetdatabase Reset the in-memory database by dropping all tables. default
stor updatedatabase Update information in a specified table in the in-memory sqlite database. default
strstrings Various commands for working with string data. default
str camel-casestrings Convert a string to camelCase. default
str capitalizestrings Capitalize first letter of text. default
str containsstrings Checks if string input contains a substring. default
str distancestrings Compare two strings and return the edit distance/Levenshtein distance. default
str downcasestrings Make text lowercase. default
str ends-withstrings Check if an input ends with a string. default
str expandstrings Generates all possible combinations defined in brace expansion syntax. default
str index-ofstrings Returns start index of first occurrence of string in input, or -1 if no match. default
str joinstrings Concatenate multiple strings into a single string, with an optional separator between each. default
str kebab-casestrings Convert a string to kebab-case. default
str lengthstrings Output the length of any strings in the pipeline. default
str pascal-casestrings Convert a string to PascalCase. default
str replacestrings Find and replace text. default
str reversestrings Reverse every string in the pipeline. default
str screaming-snake-casestrings Convert a string to SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE. default
str snake-casestrings Convert a string to snake_case. default
str starts-withstrings Check if an input starts with a string. default
str statsstrings Gather word count statistics on the text. default
str substringstrings Get part of a string. Note that the start is included but the end is excluded, and that the first character of a string is index 0. default
str title-casestrings Convert a string to Title Case. default
str trimstrings Trim whitespace or specific character. default
str upcasestrings Make text uppercase. default
syssystem View information about the system. default
tableviewers Render the table. default
takefilters Take only the first n elements of a list, or the first n bytes of a binary value. default
take untilfilters Take elements of the input until a predicate is true. default
take whilefilters Take elements of the input while a predicate is true. default
teefilters Copy a stream to another command in parallel. default
term sizeplatform Returns a record containing the number of columns (width) and rows (height) of the terminal. default
timeitdebug Time the running time of a block. default
toformats Translate structured data to a format. default
to csvformats Convert table into .csv text . default
to htmlformats Convert table into simple HTML. default
to jsonformats Converts table data into JSON text. default
to mdformats Convert table into simple Markdown. default
to msgpackformats Convert Nu values into MessagePack. default
to msgpackzformats Convert Nu values into brotli-compressed MessagePack. default
to nuonformats Converts table data into Nuon (Nushell Object Notation) text. default
to textformats Converts data into simple text. default
to tomlformats Convert record into .toml text. default
to tsvformats Convert table into .tsv text. default
to xmlformats Convert special record structure into .xml text. default
to yamlformats Convert table into .yaml/.yml text. default
touchfilesystem Creates one or more files. default
transposefilters Transposes the table contents so rows become columns and columns become rows. default
trycore Try to run a block, if it fails optionally run a catch block. default
tutormisc Run the tutorial. To begin, run: tutor. default
ulimitplatform Set or get resource usage limits. default
unamesystem Print certain system information using uutils/coreutils uname. default
uniqfilters Return the distinct values in the input. default
uniq-byfilters Return the distinct values in the input by the given column(s). default
updatefilters Update an existing column to have a new value. default
update cellsfilters Update the table cells. default
upsertfilters Update an existing column to have a new value, or insert a new column. default
urlnetwork Various commands for working with URLs. default
url build-querynetwork Converts record or table into query string applying percent-encoding. default
url decodestrings Converts a percent-encoded web safe string to a string. default
url encodestrings Converts a string to a percent encoded web safe string. default
url joinnetwork Converts a record to url. default
url parsenetwork Parses a url. default
usecore Use definitions from a module, making them available in your shell. default
valuesfilters Given a record or table, produce a list of its columns' values. default
versioncore Display Nu version, and its build configuration. default
viewdebug Various commands for viewing debug information. default
view filesdebug View the files registered in nushell's EngineState memory. default
view sourcedebug View a block, module, or a definition. default
view spandebug View the contents of a span. default
watchfilesystem Watch for file changes and execute Nu code when they happen. default
wherefilters Filter values based on a row condition. default
whichsystem Finds a program file, alias or custom command. default
whilecore Conditionally run a block in a loop. default
whoamiplatform Get the current username using uutils/coreutils whoami. default
windowfilters Creates a sliding window of `window_size` that slide by n rows/elements across input. default
with-envenv Runs a block with an environment variable set. default
wrapfilters Wrap the value into a column. default
zipfilters Combine a stream with the input. default